Who are we?
Our small team of professionals was brought together by Sonia Worthington Managing Director and family support practitioner with 25 years of experience working within the Local Authority, Education NHS and privately.
We're happy to work with individuals or alongside professional bodies in providing solutions.
We continue to support families with contact time, parenting programs, direct work with children in schools and individualised family support.
For more information please click on the links below.
We offer a wide range of services from family support to parenting programmes, Intermediary Support, Direct work with children in schools to supervised community parent and child contacts.
We offer support for parents when working with Local Authority Children Services and within court proceedings and private law.
Parenting Solution's family practitioners are accredited to deliver the Triple P Parenting programs, the Family Links Nurture Program and the Solihull Approach.
All of these programs are recognised with all Local Authorities and in private court proceedings.
We offer our services to private referrals, Local Authorities and to our local schools.